The Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor Course
In combining 80 Worldwide Healing Modalities, Diet & Nutrition, Quantum Physics, Frequencies, Anatomy & Bioelectromagnetics, there is no other program in the world offering what the Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor Certification (TNC) provides. Tears are shed as lives are opened and healing spreads from continent to continent.
Karen Urbanek
This TNC course is an excellent experience for those looking to expand their knowledge of natural health and wellness. The organization, meals, presenters and scope of information learned is outstanding. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is not only looking to personally live a vibrant life, but for those who have a passion to share and teach this information as well. Karen is an amazing example and lives what she teaches. I looked at several other programs, none of which can compare to the curriculum presented in this course.
Dr. Sarah Olson – TNC Graduate
I learned more this week then I did from my entire nursing school!
Brittany - TNC Graduate

Upon Certification by the Association of Natural Health You Will: • RECEIVE the TNC Educational Binder that includes every modality, diet, therapeutic skill, and more! • CREATE "The Shift" in our nation's health by teaching classes at hospitals, educational centers, private businesses and homes, building your network of clients and professionals! • FEEL CONFIDENT in your understanding of each aspect of natural health! • CONSULT clients on a wide range of natural therapies and help them find those that suit them best on their road to natural healing!
It is our goal to have the student understand the following techniques enough to recommend an appropriate therapeutic course of action for their clients. Presentations on Natural Therapies will be offered, including discussions and/or hands-on work including, but not limited to the following:
• Acupuncture
• Aromatherapy/Essential Oils
• Art Therapy, Atlas Orthogonal
• Auriculotherapy
• Autogenic Training
• Ayurvedic Medicine
• B.E.S.T.
• Biofeedback Technology
• Brain Balance
• Chakra Balancing
• Chelation
• Chinese Medicine
• Chiropractic
• Chocolate Therapy
• Chromotherapy/Color Therapy
• Colonic Irrigation/Colonics/Hydrotherapy
• Craniosacral/Cranial Osteopathy
• Cupping/Medi-cupping
• Dance/Movement Therapy
• Dentistry-Holistic/Biological
• Ear Candling/Coning
• Emotion Code, EDMR
• Fasting, Feng Shui
• Flower Essences
• Foot Zoning
• Gemstone Therapy
• Gratitude
• Healing Touch
• Herbs/Herbalism
• Homeopathy
• Hydrotherapy
• Hypnotherapy
• Ionic Foot Bath Detoxing
• Iridology
• Karma/Karma Clearing
• Kinesiology
• Lymphatic Drainage
• Magnetotherapy
• Massage, Meditation
• Medicinal Mushroom Therapy
• Psych-K, Radionics
• Reflexology
• Reiki
• Rife Machine
• Rolfing
• Self-Affirmation
• Shiatsu
• Sound Therapy
• Space Clearing
• Sun Therapy – Vitamin D
• Sweat! Sauna It Out!
• Tachyon Energy
• Tapping/The Emotional Freedom Technique/EFT
• Thermotherapy–The Biomat
• Tibetan Medicine
• Tuning Forks
• Vaccination
• Vision Board
• Water
• Yoga, and more.
The numerous pros and cons of each diet will be discussed in a fair and unbiased manner. The nutritional science, health aspects, and how foods interact, including Superfoods, with the body’s system will be covered in detail. Food preparation techniques such as dehydrating, fermentation, sprouting, juicing, blending, proper meat preparation, raw food prep and others will be taught. Students will learn of a wide variety of eating patterns and diets practiced around the world such as:
• The Atkins Diet
• Agriculturist Diet
• Asian Diet
• Ayurveda
• Biggest Loser Diet
• Blood Type Diet
• Carbohydrate Addicts Diet
• Chinese Nutritional Theory Diet
• Dash Diet, Elimination Diet
• Feingold Diet For ADD
• Fruitarian
• HCG Diet
• Hunter-Gatherer Diet
• Jenny Craig Diet
• Kosher
• The Liver Cleansing And Healthy Liver And Bowel Diets
• Macrobiotic Diet
• Mayo Clinic Diet
• Ornish Diet
• Paleo Diet
• Protein Metabolic Typing Diet
• The Protein Power Lifeplan Diet
• Rave Diet
• Raw/Living Food Diet
• South Beach Diet
• Standard American Diet (Sad)
• Susan Powers' Stop The Insanity Diet
• TLC Diet
• Vegan/Vegetarian Diet
• Volumetrics Diet
• Weight Watchers
• Weston Price Diet
• Syndrome X By Dr. Cabot
• The X Factor Diet
• The Zone Diet, and others.

5 books in 1!
1 Book= $34.95
3+ Books= $29.95 Per Book
Available on Amazon , Karen's Online Shopping Center, and Our Locations
Whole food vitamins, isolates, and synthetic forms of vitamins will be reviewed. Minerals and their sources will be revealed (you may be surprised), and you will learn what to look for and will better understand supplementation for you and your clients. We will also cover reading labels on food and supplements, so you know what is being ingested. Numerous graphs and charts (minerals, proteins, herbs, vitamins, and spices) will be reviewed and are part of the TNC reference binder you will receive at the five-day classroom training.
The frequencies of food, color, light, people, words and plants have a huge impact on our lives each day. We will discuss the power of these frequencies, and how you can use them to alter cells and life! Cancer and all chronic dis-ease are based in low frequencies. Presentations on frequencies will be given with handouts that will help you teach this to your clients. All vibrant health is derived from higher frequencies. Discover how to raise your frequency and those around you!
Distilled, osmosis, filtered, alkaline, spring, well, and city water; understanding water can be overwhelming! We will explain all forms of water, what the health aspects are of drinking different waters, and how water is vital for the electrical circuits of the body. Can water carry frequency? Yes! We will teach you how to enhance your water and fill it with healing frequencies.
During this segment of the course, we will cover many well-known and new forms of detoxification including but not limited to: Colonics, enemas, heavy metal, lower bowel, skin, saunas, massage, infrared, emotional, cellular, tooth, environmental and household detox! Detoxification is our favorite topic to teach, and using the numerous natural therapies and food, each cell in your body can be “reborn” creating a new you! As detoxification can bring serious side effects, the importance of safe detoxing is of utmost importance. We will educate you on what signs to watch for and how to ease the discomfort that may come to your clients during the stages of detoxification. With proper information, the symptoms and discomfort can be very minimal, creating a successful outcome.
• Certificate of Completion from the Association of Natural Health• TNC Reference Binder with hundreds of pages that you will use in your teaching and counseling
• Classroom training with Karen Urbanek & Guest Speakers
Over 40 Hours of select video trainings Over 9 selected books (to purchase upon registering) Training & guidance from Graduated TNC's as you begin your journey with your health career! "Once a TNC, ALWAYS a TNC! We are here to help!"
The TNC Certification was created to be flexible so students can learn at their own pace. Complete the program in as little as three months OR as long as a year! REGISTER TODAY and enjoy a life of natural health for you and your clients! Note: You can take the TNC Classroom Training before step 1 and 2. You will received your certification upon completion of your assignments.Step 1 - Read nine (9) easy to understand books that are interesting and informative. All books are included in the course.
Step 2 - Watch 40 hours of video from some of the world's top natural health professionals and doctors! You will learn the most popular therapeutic skills during these training videos.
Step 3 - Conclude by attending our classroom training in person or online! Stay on-site or off-site and immerse yourself in a training program that will change your life and the lives of others! Bonus: Breakfast and Lunch are included during your stay!
Difference Between a NON-Certification and Certified TNC Program
NON-Certified TNC Program:
1. Classroom training with certified professionals.2. Education Binder with hundreds of pages of charts, handouts, and studies.
Certified TNC Program:
1. Classroom training with certified professionals.2. Education Binder with hundreds of pages of charts, handouts, and studies.
3. Nine (9) textbooks with testing
4. Forty+ hours of videos/audios with testing
5. Education Binder updates as long as you are an active TNC
6. Weekly TNC Training online or in person
7. Ability to Teach Classes and Sell Products
8. Free Online Advertising and Promotion
9. Wholesale Products
10. Recognized by the Association of Natural Health
11. Business Development Training
12. Member of PMMA for Client Consults
Complete the REGISTRATION FORM and email it to us at or mail it to us at 1427 W. Washington Street, West Bend, WI 53095. For payment, please include a check with your registration in the mail or call us to pay with your debit/credit card: 262-339-4024. Call with questions! Print TNC BrochureCOURSE COST:
*Certified TNC $3,995*Certified TNC Online Training $2,995
NON-Certified TNC $1,995
The "Certified TNC Online Training" has been video recorded and that is the film you will watch at your own pace. You can become a "Certified TNC" by attending our in house training with Karen Urbanek, or by joining us online through our live webinar of that class. (We hope you will fly in and join us to become certified! You won't want to miss our incredible food & networking with TNC's from across the country! Learning from Karen in person puts the fuel into your opportunity! Come feel the TNC team power together!)$500 Down Payment Holds Your Seat!
October 27-31 - Karen's Energy Educational Center, Allenton, WI2015 TRAINING SESSIONS:
If you stay at home, you will miss the incredible food! Each training session is catered! Enjoy a Morning Smoothie Tonic & SuperFood Bar (full day classes), Raw Gourmet Lunch or Dinner, SuperFood Desserts & Snacks, and Distilled Talya Water. All Food is 100% Raw, Organic, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free & Made With Love!Wisconsin Schedule:
-February 20–21 2015 8am – 5pm (Part 1 & 2) Karen’s Energy Educational Center, Allenton, WI-March 20-21 2015 8am – 5pm (Part 3 & 4) Karen’s Energy Educational Center, Allenton, WI
-May 1–2 2015 8am – 5pm (Part 1 & 2) Karen’s Energy Educational Center, Allenton, WI
-May 29-30 2015 8am – 5pm (Part 3 & 4) Karen’s Energy Educational Center, Allenton, WI
-July 16-18 2015 8am – 5 pm Accelerated Course - Karen’s Energy Educational Center, Allenton, WI
Utah Schedule - Classes Can Be Viewed by Webinar:
-January 7, 2015 Enjoy the eight week series held every Wednesday from 6-10 PM Mountain Standard Time at Karen’s Energy Educational Center, Draper, UT.-April 15th, 2015 Enjoy the eight week series held every Wednesday from 6-10 PM Mountain Standard Time at Karen’s Energy Educational Center, Draper, UT.
-June 25 – 27 2015 8am – 5 pm Utah Accelerated Course - Karen’s Energy Educational Center, Draper, UT