AONH Monthly Webinars
The Association of Natural Health believes that knowledge is power. Our goal is to "raise the bar" within our natural health care community. The Association of Natural Health Webinar series (typically held on Wednesday nights at 8:00 pm EST) is available to ALL levels of AONH membership for as little as $49 a year! Sign Up Now!
Those who are simply interested in natural health care as well as those who are practicing complementary medicine will be motivated and educated by these excellent presentations.
See all scheduled webinars For members: Access Past Webinar Audio Files
Some of the past topics presented have been:
1-"Combating Stress, Inflammation, and Exhaustion Dr. Brazos Minshew
2-"Natural Alternatives in the Fight Against Abnormal Cell Growth"-Dr. James Morre
3-"Embracing Detours-Emotional Grounding"-Susan Somerset-Webb
4-"Becoming a Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor: Creating the Shift"-Dr. Elizabeth Palmer
5-"Incorporating Essential Oils into Your Client Care"-Jeffrey Essen, NMD
6-"Keeping Your Breast Happy, Healthy and Cancer Free"-Karen Urbanek, Author and Educator
7-"Lyme Disease; The Basics"-Leila Zackrison, MD
8-"Symptoms; Where Do We Go From Here?"-James Hawver, NMD
9-"Inspired Business: Setting Specific and Attainable Goals for the New Year"-Joy Taylor, Business Consultants & Wellness Entrepreneur
10-"Caring for your computer and your business"-Jared Murray